The Garrisons

Follow our journey on adoption #3 for child #8!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Court Date #2....Not Happening

Court date #2 was scheduled for tomorrow, January 4. We received word today that it's a no-go. UGH. The judge (who hears all adoption cases in Ethiopia) has decided to take a vacation this week due to Ethiopian Christmas.

We are bummed to say the least... We've been told that our agency will check into whether or not MOWA had written the letter for our court case tomorrow. If it was written, our agency will try to push our court case through for approval without have to wait for another scheduled date. If our letter was not written, we will have to wait to be assigned another court date.

I guess I probably don't need to tell you that this is hard. So, I won't whine about it, because I'm guessing you can imagine. Please just pray for that letter to be in place and either for court approval next week or a speedy new date.

Thanks for walking this with us!


ESolgos said...

Ugh. We had three failed dates and passed on the fourth- so I know the roller coaster you are on! Lord, bring these precious children home!

Anonymous said...

We are waiting for court date #5 on Jan 12, so we understand the feeling too. I hope MOWA has already written the letter for you. That is the hardest part!

Alicia (in Canada)