Dear Birth Mother,
You've been on my mind a lot lately. We celebrated Elijah's first birthday this week and I couldn't help but think of you...the woman who gave him life. I couldn't help but think of what life might have been like for both of you a year ago.....and the questions came. Where was he born? Who was with you? Were you alone? Does he have brothers and sisters? Did his birth bring you joy, worry, celebration or concern?....or a mixture of all of them?
I wish I could tell you about our boy....about the joy he is and his easy going disposition. His quick smile and belly laugh. The way his eyes sparkle and how he loves to be held. I wish you could know that he is loved - deeply loved. I wish you could know that he is safe....part of a family....and is treasured more than anything else in this world. We will protect him, teach him, and love him. We will give you a place of honor in our family. This woman who gave him life and surrendered her life with him to give him something more.
I don't know - and will never know - what the circumstances surrounding Elijah's birth were, or why you gave him up. I will never know if you were unable to provide for him, if you were sick, or if you passed away. Some questions will never be answered this side of heaven. I pray for you often...that you might have true relationship with Christ, that God will provide for and protect you, that you will have peace and that he will bless you and your family....including Elijah's father and siblings.
This I do know.....I am grateful for this gift you have given. I am sad that you will not know this incredible child, or even know if he is being taken care of. While I do not know the answers to my many questions or what your life was like a year ago, I do know that we both love this boy. I know that our life is richer with him in it, and I will be forever grateful to you for your part in his life. You will be honored and respected in our home, and we will continue to pray for you.
Elijah's Forever Mom
Midlife is Messy, But You Are Not a Mess
1 hour ago
Wow, Kathy...tears.
Wonderful letter Kathy. I can so feel every word.
Wow! Yep, that about sums it up! You are such a wonderful person and I don't doubt every word you've written!
Truly heart felt love from one mother to another. You never cease to amaze me with your passion.
I can't help but think that as your prayers for her salvation are ansered, one day, she will know how you feel, and maybe you can thank her face to face.
So many of us can relate to this letter-- it came perfectly right from your heart.
very sweet
Beautiful... I have had birthmothers on my mind too. My heart hurts for them and my kids.
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