Well, not a whole lot new on the adoption front.....we are STILL waiting on Illinois DCFS to approve our homestudy....they've had it since April 13. We live in one of the only states (if not THE only state) which requires DCFS to look over an international adoptive family's homestudy and approve it before it can go on to USCIS (immigration). DCFS informed our agency this week that they will not be approving our homestudy until their (the agency's) license is successfully renewed in July. AHHHH!! Frustrating to say the least.....we had really anticipated having this approval by mid May. There is no anticipated problem with our agency's license, which adds to the frustration. So, we are just hoping that this agency license will be granted quickly and our homestudy will be approved shortly after that.
In other news, we were disappointed to find out we will not be receiving a grant from Lifesong for Orphans. We had kind of hoped that because we are adopting 2 children and they were children number 5 and 6 for us, that we might be chosen for a matching grant. Bummer for us.
So, we trudge onward with our fundraising.....and hope that our family and friends don't get sick of us. :)
We do have an exciting raffle coming soon.....check back for details!!
Midlife is Messy, But You Are Not a Mess
1 hour ago
Hey Kathy, sorry to hear things are at a standstill...
We didn't get the grant from Lifesong either.....kind of a bummer...
Hang in there, it will all work out!!! At least that's what I keep telling myself :)
Take care
We live in IL too, and had to wait over 9 weeks for DCFS approval. The waiting is so hard. Praying IL hurries up!
Good luck fundraising!
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