The Garrisons

Follow our journey on adoption #3 for child #8!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Feeling Grateful

Elijah at referral - 5 months old
Today I'm feeling grateful that this little one was given to our family. In light of our 'loss' this week - or I guess, change of plans - it has struck me how if one thing had been different, Elijah may not have been referred to us. If his birth family had not let him go....if he had not been found....if he had not been taken to Kid's Care (one of the best orphanages in Addis and one with a relationship with our adoption agency).....if America World had not gotten the referral for him....and then passed it on to us. I am humbled and grateful that God saw fit to make all of these pieces fall into place at just the right time to bring us this boy. What an incredible gift we've been given and what an amazing God to give it.

I read on another mom's blog, who is in Ethiopia picking up her FOUR children, that she had the opportunity to visit with Aster, the director of Kid's Care this week. Aster expressed her sadness over the recent news stories that have cast Ethiopian adoption in a negative light. Most children who are abandoned are now being taken to government-run orphanages, which is not exactly the best chance for them to be matched with a family. Please pray for these sweet children. With different timing, this would have been our Elijah. I shudder to think of it.

While sad about our news this week, we are hopeful for our 'next Elijah', as a friend put it. And, it leaves us feeling grateful for what we've already been given!


Gina said...

Oh Kathy, I'm so sorry about your loss....I know it is a loss. Praying for another huge gift in a small package for your special family! As I put Eli to bed each night, I hold him near his crib for an extra minute taking him in and yes, being so grateful for the gift he is.

Chalk Inscriptions said...

I just back tracked and read your previous blog. My heart breaks and rejoices with you all in one! The Lord knows why one child is placed in your home vs. another. I connect because we are praying about a certain child with DFW knowing that this child may not be considered adoptable and there may be someone else for our home. It's a real open hands, trust God type of thing...sigh...because I just want answers and that just will not be. So I am encouraged by your blog!